Index to Character Codes for Use in HTML:



Basic Characters

     ! Exclamation mark!
     ""Quotation mark"
     # Number sign#
     $ Dollar sign (Also Mexican Peso)$
     % Percent sign%
     ' Apostrophe'
     ( Left parenthesis(
     ) Right parenthesis)
     * Asterisk*
     + Plus sign+
     , Comma,
     - Hyphen-
     . Period (fullstop).
     /Solidus (slash)/
     0 0>0
     1 11
     2 22
     3 33
     4 44
     5 55
     6 66
     7 77
     8 88
     9 99
     &#059; Semi-colon;
     &#060;&lt;Less than<
     &#061; Equals sign=
     &#062;&gt;Greater than>
     &#063; Question mark?
     &#064; Commercial at@
     &#066; BB
     &#067; CC
     &#068; DD
     &#069; EE
     &#070; FF
     &#071; GG
     &#072; HH
     &#073; II
     &#074; JJ
     &#075; KK
     &#076; LL
     &#077; MM
     &#078; NN
     &#079; OO
     &#080; PP
     &#081; QQ
     &#082; RR
     &#083; SS
     &#084; TT
     &#085; UU
     &#086; VV
     &#087; WW
     &#088; XX
     &#089; YY
     &#090; ZZ
     &#091;Left square bracket[
     &#092; Reverse solidus (backslash)\
     &#093; Right square bracket]
     &#094; Caret^
     &#095; Horizontal bar (underscore)_
     &#096; Acute accent`
     &#098; bb
     &#099; cc
     &#100; dd
     &#101; ee
     &#102; ff
     &#103; gg
     &#104; hh
     &#105; ii
     &#106; jj
     &#107; kk
     &#108; ll
     &#109; mm
     &#110; nn
     &#111; oo
     &#112; pp
     &#113; qq
     &#114; rr
     &#115; ss
     &#116; tt
     &#117; uu
     &#118; vv
     &#119; ww
     &#120; xx
     &#121; yy
     &#122; zz
     &#123;Left curly brace{
     &#124; Vertical bar|
     &#125; Right curly brace}
     &#126; Tilde~
     &#160;&nbsp;Non-breaking space 
     &#161;&iexcl;Inverted exclamation¡
     &#162;&cent;Cent sign¢
     &#163;&pound;Pound sterling£
     &#164;&curren;General currency sign¤
     &#165;&yen;Yen sign¥
     &#166;&brvbar;Broken vertical bar¦
     &#167;&sect;Section sign§
     &#168;&uml;Umlaut (dieresis)¨
     &#170;&ordf;Feminine ordinalª
     &#171;&laquo;Left angle quote, guillemotleft«
     &#172;&not;Not sign¬
     &#173;&shy;Soft hyphen­
     &#174;&reg;Registered trademark®
     &#175;&macr;Macron accent¯
     &#176;&deg;Degree sign°
     &#177;&plusmn;Plus or minus±
     &#178;&sup2;Superscript two²
     &#179;&sup3;Superscript three³
     &#180;&acute;Acute accent´
     &#181;&micro;Micro signµ
     &#182;&para;Paragraph sign (Pilcrow sign)
     &#183;&middot;Middle dot·
     &#185;&sup1;Superscript one¹
     &#186;&ordm;Masculine ordinalº
     &#187;&raquo;Right angle quote, guillemotright»
     &#188;&frac14;Fraction one-fourth¼
     &#189;&frac12;Fraction one-half½
     &#190;&frac34;Fraction three-fourths¾
     &#191;&iquest;Inverted question mark¿
     &#192;&Agrave;Capital A, grave accentÀ
     &#193;&Aacute;Capital A, acute accentÁ
     &#194;&Acirc;Capital A, circumflex accentÂ
     &#195;&Atilde;Capital A, tildeÃ
     &#196;&Auml;Capital A, dieresis or umlaut markÄ
     &#197;&Aring;Capital A, ringÅ
     &#198;&AElig;Capital AE, dipthong (ligature)Æ
     &#199;&Ccedil;Capital C, cedillaÇ
     &#200;&Egrave;Capital E, grave accentÈ
     &#201;&Eacute;Capital E, acute accentÉ
     &#202;&Ecirc;Capital E, circumflex accentÊ
     &#203;&Euml;Capital E, dieresis or umlaut markË
     &#204;&Igrave;Capital I, grave accentÌ
     &#205;&Iacute;Capital I, acute accentÍ
     &#206;&Icirc;Capital I, circumflex accentÎ
     &#207;&Iuml;Capital I, dieresis or umlaut markÏ
     &#208;&ETH;Capital Eth, IcelandicÐ
     &#209;&Ntilde;Capital N, tildeÑ
     &#210;&Ograve;Capital O, grave accentÒ
     &#211;&Oacute;Capital O, acute accentÓ
     &#212;&Ocirc;Capital O, circumflex accentÔ
     &#213;&Otilde;Capital O, tildeÕ
     &#214;&Ouml;Capital O, dieresis or umlaut markÖ
     &#215;&times;Multiply sign×
     &#216;&Oslash;Capital O, slashØ
     &#217;&Ugrave;Capital U, grave accentÙ
     &#218;&Uacute;Capital U, acute accentÚ
     &#219;&Ucirc;Capital U, circumflex accentÛ
     &#220;&Uuml;Capital U, dieresis or umlaut markÜ
     &#221;&Yacute;Capital Y, acute accentÝ
     &#222;&THORN;Capital Thorn, IcelandicÞ
     &#223;&szlig;Small sharp s, German (sz ligature)ß
     &#224;&agrave;Small a, grave accentà
     &#225;&aacute;Small a, acute accentá
     &#226;&acirc;Small a, circumflex accentâ
     &#227;&atilde;Small a, tildeã
     &#228;&auml;Small a, dieresis or umlaut markä
     &#229;&aring;Small a, ringå
     &#230;&aelig;Small ae, dipthong (ligature)æ
     &#231;&ccedil;Small c, cedillaç
     &#232;&egrave;Small e, grave accentè
     &#233;&eacute;Small e, acute accenté
     &#234;&ecirc;Small e, circumflex accentê
     &#235;&euml;Small e, dieresis or umlaut markë
     &#236;&igrave;Small i, grave accentì
     &#237;&iacute;Small i, acute accentí
     &#238;&icirc;Small i circumflex accentî
     &#239;&iuml;Small i, dieresis or umlaut markï
     &#240;&eth;Small eth, Icelandicð
     &#241;&ntilde;Small n, tildeñ
     &#242;&ograve;Small o, grave accentò
     &#243;&oacute;Small o, acute accentó
     &#244;&ocirc;Small o, circumflex accentô
     &#245;&otilde;Small o, tildeõ
     &#246;&ouml;Small o, dieresis or umlaut markö
     &#247;&divide;Division sign÷
     &#248;&oslash;Small o, slashø
     &#249;&ugrave;Small u, grave accentù
     &#250;&uacute;Small u, acute accentú
     &#251;&ucirc;Small u, circumflex accentû
     &#252;&uuml;Small u, dieresis or umlaut markü
     &#253;&yacute;Small y, acute accentý
     &#254;&thorn;Small thorn, Icelandicþ
     &#255;&yuml;Small y, dieresis or umlaut markÿ
     &#256; Capital A, macronĀ
     &#257; small a, macronā
     &#258; Capital A, breveĂ
     &#259; small a, breveă
     &#482; Capital AE, dipthong (ligature) with macronǢ
     &#483; Small ae, dipthong (ligature) with macronǣ
     &#274; Capital E, macronĒ
     &#275; small e, macronē
     &#276; Capital E, breveĔ
     &#277; small e, breveĕ
     &#298; Capital I, macronĪ
     &#299; small i, macronī
     &#300; Capital I, breveĬ
     &#301; small i, breveĭ
     &#332; Capital O, macronŌ
     &#333; small o, macronō
     &#334; Capital O, breveŎ
     &#335; small o, breveŏ
     &#362; Capital U, macronŪ
     &#363; small u, macronū
     &#364; Capital U, breveŬ
     &#365; small u, breveŭ
     &#562; Capital Y, macronȲ
     &#563; small y, macronȲ

Punctuation & Misc. Technical

     &#710;&circ;Circumflex accentˆ
     &#732;&tilde;small tilde˜
     &#8195;&emsp;em space
     &#8194;&ensp;en space (1/2 em)
     &#8201;&thinsp;thin space (1/6 em)
     &#8204;&zwnj;zero width non-joiner
     &#8205;&zwj;zero width joiner
     &#8206;&lrm;left-to-right mark
     &#8207;&rlm;right-to-left mark
     &#8211;&ndash;en dash
     &#8212;&mdash;em dash
     &#8216;&lsquo;left single quotation mark
     &#8217;&rsquo;right single quotation mark
     &#8218;&sbquo;single low-9 quotation mark
     &#8220;&ldquo;left double quotation mark
     &#8221;&rdquo;right double quotation mark
     &#8222;&bdquo;double low-9 quotation mark
     &#8225;&Dagger;double dagger
     &#9702; white bullet
     &#8227; triangular bullet
     &#8230;&hellip;horizontal ellipsis
     &#8240;&permil;per mille sign (per thousand)
     &#8241; per ten thousand sign
     &#8243;&Prime;double prime
     &#8244; triple prime
     &#8249;&lsaquo;single left-pointing angle quotation mark
     &#8250;&rsaquo;single right-pointing angle quotation mark
     &#8260;&frasl;fraction slash
     &#8968;&lceil;left ceiling
     &#8969;&rceil;right ceiling
     &#8970;&lfloor;left floor
     &#8971;&rfloor;right floor

Letterlike Symbols

     &#8453;care of
     &#8451; Degrees Celsius (Centigrade)
     &#8457; Degrees Fahrenheit
     &#8465;&image;blackletter capital I (imaginary part)
     &#8472;&weierp;script capital P (power set)
     &#8476;&real;blackletter capital R (real part)
     &#8468; L B Bar symbol (pounds)
     &#8478; prescription symbol
     &#8480; service mark
     &#8482;&trade;trademark symbol
     &#8501;&alefsym;alef symbol (first transfinite cardinal)

Miscellaneous Shapes & Dingbats

     &#9825; white heart suit
     &#9828; white spade suit
     &#9831; white club suit
     &#9824;&spades;black spade suit
     &#9827;&clubs;black club suit
     &#9829;&hearts;black heart suit
     &#9830;&diams;black diamond suit
     &#9833; quarter note
     &#9834; eighth note
     &#9835; double eighth note
     &#9836; double sixteenth note
     &#9837; flat symbol
     &#9838; natural symbol
     &#9839; sharp symbol
     &#9733; black star
     &#9734; white star
     &#9737; sun
     &#9742; black telephone
     &#9743; white telephone
     &#9756; white left-pointing index
     &#9758; white right-pointing index
     &#9786; white smiling face
     &#9787; black smiling face
     &#9788; compass
     &#9760; skull and crossbones
     &#9761; caution
     &#9762; radioactive
     &#9763; biohazard
     &#9764; caduceus

Some Non-Basic Currency Symbols

     &#3647;Thai Currency Symbol Baht฿
     &#8353; Colon Sign (Costa Rica, El Salvador)
     &#8354; Cruzeiro Sign (Brazil)
     &#8363; Dong Sign (Vietnam)
     &#8367; Drachma (Greece)
     &#8352; Euro-currency sign
     &#8355; French Franc Sign (France)
     &#8365; Kip (Laos)
     &#8356; Lira Sign (Italy, Turkey)
     &#8357; Mill Sign (USA, 1/10th cent)
     &#8358; Naira Sign (Nigeria)
     &#8362; New Sheqel Sign (Israel)
     &#8359; Peseta Sign (Spain, Phillipines?)
     &#8360; Rupee Sign (India)
     &#8366; Tugrik (Mongolia)
     &#8361; Won Sign (Korea)

Latin Extension Characters

     &#338;&OElig;Capital OE ligatureŒ
     &#339;&oelig;Small oe ligatureœ
     &#352;&Scaron;Capital S with caronŠ
     &#353;&scaron;Small s with caronš
     &#381; Capital Z with caronŽ
     &#382; Small z with caronž
     &#376;&Yuml;Capital Y, diaresis or umlaut markŸ
     &#402;&fnof;Small f with hookƒ

Greek Characters

     &#913;&Alpha;Capital AlphaΑ
     &#914;&Beta;Capital BetaΒ
     &#915;&Gamma;Capital GammaΓ
     &#916;&Delta;Capital DeltaΔ
     &#917;&Epsilon;Capital EpsilonΕ
     &#918;&Zeta;Capital ZetaΖ
     &#919;&Eta;Capital EtaΗ
     &#920;&Theta;Capital ThetaΘ
     &#921;&Iota;Capital IotaΙ
     &#922;&Kappa;Capital KappaΚ
     &#923;&Lambda;Capital LambdaΛ
     &#924;&Mu;Capital MuΜ
     &#925;&Nu;Capital NuΝ
     &#926;&Xi;Capital XiΞ
     &#927;&Omicron;Capital OmicronΟ
     &#928;&Pi;Capital PiΠ
     &#929;&Rho;Capital RhoΡ
     &#931;&Sigma;Capital SigmaΣ
     &#932;&Tau;Capital TauΤ
     &#933;&Upsilon;Capital UpsilonΥ
     &#934;&Phi;Capital PhiΦ
     &#935;&Chi;Capital ChiΧ
     &#936;&Psi;Capital PsiΨ
     &#937;&Omega;Capital OmegaΩ
     &#945;&alpha;Small alphaα
     &#946;&beta;Small betaβ
     &#947;&gamma;Small gammaγ
     &#948;&delta;Small deltaδ
     &#949;&epsilon;Small epsilonε
     &#950;&zeta;Small zetaζ
     &#951;&eta;Small etaη
     &#952;&theta;Small thetaθ
     &#953;&iota;Small iotaι
     &#954;&kappa;Small kappaκ
     &#955;&lambda;Small lambdaλ
     &#956;&mu;Small muμ
     &#957;&nu;Small nuν
     &#958;&xi;Small xiξ
     &#959;&omicron;Small omicronο
     &#960;&pi;Small piπ
     &#961;&rho;Small rhoρ
     &#962;&sigmaf;small final sigmaς
     &#963;&sigma;Small sigmaσ
     &#964;&tau;Small tauτ
     &#965;&upsilon;Small upsilonυ
     &#966;&phi;Small phiφ
     &#967;&chi;Small chiχ
     &#968;&psi;Small psiψ
     &#969;&omega;Small omegaω
     &#977;&thetasym;Small theta symbolϑ
     &#978;&upsih;Upsilon with hook symbolϒ
     &#982;&piv;Pi symbolϖ

Arrow Glyphs

     &#8592;&larr;leftwards arrow
     &#8593;&uarr;upwards arrow
     &#8594;&rarr;rightwards arrow
     &#8595;&darr;downwards arrow
     &#8596;&harr;left right arrow
     &#8623 downwards zigzag arrow
     &#8629;&crarr;carriage return arrow
     &#8634 circular right arrow
     &#8635 circular left arrow
     &#8656;&lArr;leftwards double arrow
     &#8657;&uArr;upwards double arrow
     &#8658;&rArr;rightwards double arrow
     &#8659;&dArr;downwards double arrow
     &#8660;&hArr;left right double arrow

Additional Number Forms

     &#8531;fraction one-third
     &#8532; fraction two-thirds
     &#8539; fraction one-eighth
     &#8540; fraction three-eighths
     &#8541; fraction five-eighths
     &#8542; fraction seven-eighths
     &#8544; Roman numeral one
     &#8545; Roman numeral two
     &#8546; Roman numeral three
     &#8547; Roman numeral four
     &#8548; Roman numeral five
     &#8549; Roman numeral six
     &#8550; Roman numeral seven
     &#8551; Roman numeral eight
     &#8552; Roman numeral nine
     &#8553; Roman numeral ten
     &#8560; small Roman numeral one
     &#8561; small Roman numeral two
     &#8562; small Roman numeral three
     &#8563; small Roman numeral four
     &#8564; small Roman numeral five
     &#8565; small Roman numeral six
     &#8566; small Roman numeral seven
     &#8567; small Roman numeral eight
     &#8568; small Roman numeral nine
     &#8569; small Roman numeral ten

Mathematical Glyphs

     &#8304;superscript zero
     &#8308; superscript four
     &#8309; superscript five
     &#8310; superscript six
     &#8311; superscript seven
     &#8312; superscript eight
     &#8313; superscript nine
     &#8314; superscript plus
     &#8315; superscript minus
     &#8319; superscript n
     &#8704;&forall;for all
     &#8706;&part;partial differential
     &#8707;&exist;there exists
     &#8708; there does not exist
     &#8709;&empty;empty set
     &#8712;&isin;element of
     &#8713;&notin;not an element of
     &#8715;&ni;contains as a member (such that)
     &#8716; does not contain as a member
     &#8718; end of proof (Q.E.D.)
     &#8719;&prod;n-ary product
     &#8721;&sum;n-ary summation
     &#8722;&minus;minus sign
     &#8727;&lowast;asterisk operator
     &#8730;&radic;square root
     &#8731; cube root
     &#8732 quadruple root
     &#8733;&prop;proportional to
     &#8735; right angle
     &#8737; measured angle
     &#8741; parallel to
     &#8742; not parallel to
     &#8743;&and;logical and (wedge)
     &#8744;&or;logical or (vee)
     &#8745;&cap;intersection (cap)
     &#8746;&cup;union (cup)
     &#8748; double integral
     &#8757; because
     &#8764;&sim;tilde operator (varies with, similar to)
     &#8773;&cong;approximately equal to
     &#8776;&asymp;almost equal to
     &#8800;&ne;not equal to
     &#8801;&equiv;identical to
     &#8804;&le;less-than or equal to
     &#8805;&ge;greater-than or equal to
     &#8834;&sub;subset of
     &#8835;&sup;superset of
     &#8836;&nsub;not a subset of
     &#8838;&sube;subset of or equal to
     &#8839;&supe;superset of or equal to
     &#8853;&oplus;circled plus (direct sum)
     &#8855;&otimes;circled times (vector product)
     &#8869;&perp;up tack (orthogonal to, perpendicular)
     &#8901;&sdot;dot operator

Chess Pieces

     &#9812;White king
     &#9813; White queen
     &#9814; White rook
     &#9815; White bishop
     &#9816; White knight
     &#9817; White pawn
     &#9818; Black king
     &#9819; Black queen
     &#9820; Black rook
     &#9821; Black bishop
     &#9822; Black knight
     &#9823; Black pawn

Planets & Signs of the Zodiac

     &#9792; Venus (female sign)
     &#9793; Earth
     &#9794; Mars (male sign)
     &#9795; Jupiter
     &#9796; Saturn
     &#9797; Uranus
     &#9798; Neptune
     &#9799; Pluto
     &#9800; Aries
     &#9801; Taurus
     &#9802; Gemini
     &#9803; Cancer
     &#9804; Leo
     &#9805; Virgo
     &#9806; Libra
     &#9807; Scorpio
     &#9808; Sagittarius
     &#9809; Capricorn
     &#9810; Aquarius
     &#9811; Pisces


Informational Notes:

  • Some characters will not display properly in some fonts, or on some browsers.
  • Try "Lucida Sans Unicode" or similar font if you are having trouble seeing a particular character you're interested in.
  • More characters are available; check the Unicode Charts to see them.