Whole New Worlds
Welcome to Whole New Worlds, a fan fiction archive created to host novel-length fiction in a variety of fandoms, by authors who began their careers on a mega-archive and deserve better recognition.
It's often said that in fan fiction, "most of the worldbuilding has already been done, so you can jump immediately into the story". While that is true up to a point, such basic tales are generally fairly forgettable. It's the new details, the richness, the strange twists on facts we thought we knew, that catch the attention and make a story memorable; those are the sort of stories hosted here.
Ratings and pairings vary, but each story will be clearly marked with warnings and disclaimers: caveat lector. Also, please be aware that ideas and beliefs presented in individual stories are not representative of those espoused by the other authors, or the archivist. This achive was constructed to celebrate talent, not to illustrate any sort of political or moral point.
Enjoy, and remember, reviews are the fuel that keep a writer's muse burning!
Archive Open!
Whole New Worlds opened for business on February 7, 2004. Please contact the archivist at worlds@jedibuttercup.com to report broken links, or recommend other authors/stories to host here.
Click the links below to check out what we have so far:
stories by author
stories by title