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Posted August 5, 2011

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Series: Eureka Moments

Title: Equations of Motion

Author: Jedi Buttercup

Disclaimer: The words are mine; the world is not. I claim nothing but the plot.

Rating: PG.

Summary: To hear Fargo tell it, she and the other Zane had been doing the age-old dance almost since the moment he'd set foot in Eureka. 300 words.

Spoilers: Eureka 4.14 "Up in the Air"

They skipped past this part? Zane thought as he lingered with Jo over a Vinspresso and a light slate full of orbital dynamics equations. What kind of a moron was I?

Well, not too much of one, if he'd been wise to the challenge that was Jo Lupo from the beginning. To hear Fargo tell it, she and the other Zane had been doing the age-old dance almost since the moment he'd set foot in Eureka. And clearly, there'd been more to it than just physical oscillations, if he-- the other him-- had actually offered her his grandmother's ring.

But seriously, it was no wonder that almost the first thing this Jo had said to him-- when she'd still thought he was the other Zane-- was that she'd been thinking too much about his proposal. And that she'd spent the first six weeks of their new relationship convinced that they didn't work; that the only reason to indulge was to work the spark out of their systems. Clearly, the other him had not been holding up his end of the bargain.

When you had a woman like Ms. Right Stuff on your arm? One whose job was to help save the day from 'geniuses' like him when they did things like, oh, design a computer that could potentially blow up the town, or accidentally launch themselves and their bosses into space? You didn't let her walk around thinking she wasn't smart enough to interact with outside of banter or the bedroom.

So he was a felon. So she was a grunt with a gun. So what? They were so much more than that-- and he would prove it to her. Before he offered her the ring again.

He smiled to himself, buoyed by his new goal. Astraeus, here we come.


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