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Innocence and Experience

by Athena Keating-Thomas

Rating: PG-13

Fandom: Harry Potter

Category: Action/Adventure, Angst

Spoilers: Though GoF, Fifth Year AU

Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine; I'm just borrowing them and wish their owner health and happiness.

Summary: A fateful encounter between a hopeless Harry and a hurtamnesiac Snape results in the revelation of their futures and pasts.

Chapter Listing:

  1. Unexpected Falls
  2. Branches and Broomsticks
  3. Wands and Worries
  4. Covers and Conundrums
  5. Prophecy and Prevarication
  6. Memories and Monikers
  7. Speculation and Serums
  8. Enlightenment and Experimentation
  9. Disturbances and Deception
  10. Tonic and Tourism
  11. Summaries and Summoning
  12. Recollection and Rejuvenation
  13. Severence and Scrutiny
  14. Auras and Abodes
  15. Energies and Exculpation
  16. Fireside Theorems
  17. Visitation and Vignettes
  18. Parley and Portkeys
  19. Runes and Reunions
  20. Confrontation and Conspiracy
  21. Hypothesis and Hindsight
  22. Potions and Penitence
  23. Prophecies and Progression
  24. Initiation and Inquiries
  25. Phoenix and Protection
  26. Supper and Switches
  27. Restoratives and Recognition
  28. Debates and Dropping By
  29. Palaver and Parchment
  1. Ravenclaw and Revalations
  2. Musings and Music
  3. Debates and Discipline
  4. Banter and Betrayal
  5. Thoughts and Temper
  6. Abodes and Auras
  7. Deduction and Derailings
  8. Probes and Photographs
  9. Distraction and Detachment
  10. Reasoning and Retrospection
  11. Floos and Fish-gaping
  12. Deja-vu and Deliberation
  13. Bolstering and Brewing
  14. Fluxweed and Frustration
  15. Blacks and Potters and Snapes, Oh My!
  16. Healing and Hegemony
  17. Depression and Declamations
  18. Offense and Defense
  19. Power and Potions
  20. Bubble, Bubble
  21. Brooding and Bottlenecks
  22. Recharging and Rescues
  23. Toil and Trouble
  24. Comfortably Numb
  25. Wards and Warnings
  26. History and Hatreds
  27. Wands and Wizards
  28. (WIP)

Last Updated July 9, 2005.

Leave Feedback for the author at: athenakt @fanfiction.net

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