Slayer Central
by M. Scott Eiland
Rating: PG-13
Fandoms: Buffy, Angel
Category: Varied.
Spoilers: Set after S7/S4 (post-"Chosen"), AU for Angel S5
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters--they belong to their creators and/or owners.
Summary: A loose "novel", in several parts. It all starts when Buffy comes to Angel with a plan ...
Individual Parts:
- 1. Slayer Central
- General. Buffy comes to Angel with a plan.
- 2. Empty Glasses
- Angst. Willow, Buffy and Faith are concerned about Xander, and ask someone to intervene with him.
- 3. Damaged Goods
- Drama/Angst. Faith confronts an old enemy.
- 4. Loose Ends
- Angst. Dawn goes to Angel with a problem.
- 5. Learning Curve
- General. Fred gives Buffy a crash course in using evil computers, and they discuss common interests.
- 6. What He Does
- General/Angst. Xander and Faith retrieve a suspicious new Slayer, and the confrontation brings about a long-delayed discussion between the two old acquaintances.
- 7. The Centurions
- General/Humor. Gunn and Giles tour the training area at Wolfram & Hart, and discuss the future.
- 8. Fair Warning
- General. It's Dawn's seventeenth birthday, and she marks the occasion by passing on a message to Xander--and delivering an ultimatum.
- 9. Misdirection
- Action/Adventure/Angst. A certain Englishman confronts the head of the Contracts Department at Wolfram & Hart and issues a challenge--which is accepted.
- 10. Familiar Patterns
- General/Romance. Xander and Willow conduct a magical test, and make an unexpected discovery.
- 11. Out of the Blue
- Drama/Action/Adventure. Angel brings in a familiar face to replace Lilah, and a new Slayer shakes up things at the Hyperion.
- 12. Requiem For the Fallen
- Angst. Buffy dreams, and must confront Angel and settle old accounts.
- 13. Pulling Back the Curain
- Angst/Humor. Fred, Gunn, and Wesley are called together to learn something that has been hidden from them.
- 14. All In
- Angst/Romance. Buffy comes to some basic conclusions about her life and who she wants to spend it with, but may be too late.
Series Completed March 2, 2004.
Annotated version also available at the author's Yahoo group.
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