Harry Potter and the Ankh of Khepri
by The Velvet Ghost
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Harry Potter
Category: Action/Adventure, Humor
Spoilers: Though OotP, Set 7th Year.
Disclaimer: As always, I don't claim to own Harry Potter or any of the characters by JK Rowling, although some of the characters are my ideas (Jinx, the Galvez sisters) so ask my permission if you wanna use any of them.
Summary: A new Dark Arts mistress, mysterious attacks at night, lessons to kill, an Egyptian monster, and terrible dangers await Harry Potter in his seventh year. Sequel to "Harry Potter and the Phoenix's Flight."
Chapter Listing:
Completed February 11, 2004.
Leave Feedback for the author at: velvet9409 @yahoo.co.uk
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