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Posted July 30, 2005 Also linked at:
Series: Smoke and Flame
Title: Where There's Smoke Author: Jedi Buttercup Disclaimer: The words are mine; the worlds are not. I claim nothing but the plot. Rating: PG Summary: B:tVS, SG-1. The Powers That Be pass along a warning. 100 words. Spoilers: B:tVS post-"Chosen". Stargate SG-1 "Origin" (9.3) "I'm gonna be a fireman when the floods roll back." ~Buffy, "Restless" (4.22) Buffy woke from her dream-- her vision-- drenched with sweat and panting heavily. Someone, somewhere had just died in screaming agony, and the PTBs had made sure she'd seen it. Two someones: a bearded, blue-eyed man and a dark-haired woman, who'd shifted into a thinner man and a blonde before disappearing behind a wall of fire. "Unbelievers..." The word hissed in her subconscious, overlaying the crackling sound of hungry flames. It sent shivers up her spine, bringing up half-forgotten classroom memories of Inquisition overlaid with the tingle of her Slayer senses. She was getting a very bad feeling about this.
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